Thursday, August 16, 2012

Why do we fall?

Since I saw "The Dark Knight Rises," I've been drawing a lot on this whole "Rise" theme. "Rise" is a very spiritually-charged word. It's implications are wide-ranging and powerful. This theme can be seen in Scripture, from Christ literally being raised from the dead to the saints "rising" from their sins/situations. Proverbs 24:16 expresses this truth in a few short, good words. The second part of the verse indicates that the wicked will not rise, but the first half shows that the righteous will.

Here's two definitions from Webster's:

(v). to return from death

(v). to exert oneself to meet a challenge

Interesting, huh? The first has obvious connections to Jesus' resurrection and to the new life that Jesus' sacrifice brings about in those who follow him. The second definition echoes the walk of a Christian and the work that it takes. It is not easy, but it's well worthwhile.

As a Christian, this word means quite a lot to me. It is an encouragement that falling is not the end. A reminder that Christ's sacrifice and God's grace make it possible for me to rise again and keep walking the walk of faith. Or as a friend of mine told me, keep running the race of faith.

Much like in "The Dark Knight Rises," Christians (like Batman, I know it's cheesy - bare with me), must face adversity and decide whether to rise again or not. Jesus made a way for us to stand again and holds out his hand to us, all we have to do is choose to take the hand or not. If we humble ourselves and seek his help, we will rise again and "get back in the game."

So, here's a motivational poster I made which connects the powerful theme "Rise" with the Word.